Reduce the Impact of Communication barriers

Solutions to barriers-Problems with technology

Solutions to problems with technology is that Rainbow Charity could give their staff training on how to use the technology so that they will be able to show the client how to use something if they get stuck. Rainbow Charity should also start with basic stuff so that people who don’t know how to use the computer will be able to learn the basic stuff on how to use a computer. When the clients are using the computer and they have a problem with their audio or visual equipment then they wont be able to do certain things so before the clients come in you should test all the equipment to make sure it all works and that there wont be any problems when they go in. If there is restrictions for the firewall so they can’t access the internet then they wont be able to go online and research anything so check see before they start can they all access the internet. Solutions for using technology to communicate would be that make sure you have an internet connection to go online.

Solutions to barriers-Background noise

When giving a presentation you could make sure that all the windows are closed so that the audience can’t hear the noises from outside. When you want to talk to a client or member of staff in private you can bring them into an office so no one can hear or that you are able to talk to them in peace. When in work there should be a rule that you are only allowed to talk to clients and not members of staff until you are on a break. When talking to clients in an office you can close the office door so that other can’t the other people talking. When wanting to talk to another member of staff in stead of going over a talking to them you could use instant messaging to talk to them so it doesn’t distract them and other people. If there is lots of people talking you can hold meeting in offices so that nothing can distract you when talking to them.

Solutions to barriers-Spelling and Grammar

When Rainbow charity is writing emails, documents or letters take your time to make sure that what you are saying makes sense and that everything is spelt right. Always proof read your work and if you can’t see any mistakes get someone else to look over it as it is hard to find our own mistakes as we have been looking at it for to long. Always spell check your work in Microsoft Word there is spell check built in, but if your not sure how something is spelt then look it up or type it into the internet to see if it’s right. Also when Rainbow Charity is writing newsletters and letters they should use heading and subheadings so that the people receiving it know what it is about. If Rainbow Charity is giving a number of points then they should be in bullet points or numbers so that they are not all in one paragraph. Have a nice consistent layout so that when reading it, its all in order and that it makes sense. Use different formatting such as bold for important or underlined and italic for a quote.

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