Employee Attributes

Employee attributes
Why employer’s value it
Specific attributes
    1. Specific to the job
Technical Knowledge
Employers will value you it as you will be working with clients that want to learn ICT and you need to know how to use the computer.
General attributes
    1. General (soft skill)
Verbal Skills
You need to have good verbal skills as you will be communicating with the clients telling them how to use certain things.
Personal attitudes
You need to be confident in your work and being able to talk to people you don't know.
You need to be dependable so clients or the manager can rely on you to do task.

Technical Knowledge

Technical knowledge means you need to have a basic understanding of how to use a computer, being able to show people how to use certain features etc.You will need technical knowledge as you will be helping with people who have sight problems and helping them learn about using IT. The different tasks you will be doing include Audio books. That means you have to record someone reading the book then put into the computer to be saved on a CD. Then they are loaned out to the clients and you have to be able to communicate well with the clients as you might have to visit them to show them how to use the CD. You have to be able to communicate with your clients using email, meaning that you will have to show them how to create an account and how to use it. If they are unable to see what you have replied you should be sending voice clips telling them how. Also working alongside the manager means you need to know how to use Access, which is the database of all the information about each client.

Verbal Skills

Verbal skills means you need to be able to communicate well with other people and speak to the in an appropriate language. You will need to have good verbal skills as you will be communicating with the clients on how to show them certain things. You will have to explain to the clients how work the CD or the computer. If someone has some queries about something or need help you are going to have to be able to communicate well with them and that they understand you. They will also need to be able to communicate with clients using ICT. They could send you emails asking questions and want more information you’re going to have to communicate with them by sending voice clips as they won’t be able to read the email your voice is going to have to be clear so it is easy to understand.



Confidence means that you need to be confindent in trying out new things and being able to work with people you don't know. You will need confidence as you are going to be talking to people that you have never met before and are going to have to believe in yourself don’t second judge what you are doing. You need to be confident as you will also be talking to clients outside of were you volunteer and you can’t be afraid to talk to them. Be confident in expressing your opinion if you think someone is doing something wrong then tell them to stop or tell the manager. If you are asked to do a task or something you should not be afraid to do so even if you are not sure what it is or how to do it.
With this job you need to have high confidence so that when have a problem you tend to overcome it, with that you have such high confidence that failure isn’t really an option you try to get the best outcome. You will also need to be confident as you will be faced with new things you can’t be afraid to try them. Also that being confident means you have to be satisfied with the choices and believing in the choices you have made.


Dependable means that people can depend on you to do task and certian jobs that they can trust you with. You have to be dependable so that the manager and clients can depend on you to be there when they need you. When a client needs you to show them something you can’t say you have something else to do you need to help them. If the manager needs you to update the database and look see which books need to be brought back she is going to depend on you to do it properly and do it right.

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