Principles of Effective Communication.

General Communication

General communication is a skill that you use everyday no matter the situation. You use general communication when you are talking to people using your body language, eye contact and verbal communication. General communication is used when you are communicating with an audience to get your point across using the different ways of communicating. This is necessary as it is how you communicate with everybody in a day to day basis, using verbal communication, body language and being able to keep eye contact with them. If you didn’t have this then it will be harder for you to communicate with people as you will not have confidence to speak to them. General communication could be used in the Rainbow charity organisation with communicating with clients as for them to understand their clients they have to be good at communicating with the clients as the clients will be asking for help and they will need to be able to communicate well. General communication can be used among the staff members of the Rainbow charity as they will be able to talk to each other through general communication that they have picked up through Rainbow charity and it will make it easier for them to talk to the clients.


Accuracy is necessary when helping with the clients as the information given will need to be accurate to help them if they have a problem. Accuracy helps to improve the relationships between the staff as the staff will be given accurate information about meetings and any stuff going on in the Rainbow charity. If they were giving the staff a presentation about what is going on and what the volunteers have been doing but the information is wrong then the staff will think that the manager doesn’t care about what they do. Also so there not given information that is wrong so it looks like they are disorganised. Accuracy will improve relationships between clients as Rainbow charity will be giving accurate information about what the company does and any events they will be having in the near future so they will be able to go. Also if they are giving a presentation to the clients the information will need to be accurate so that they understand what Rainbow charity does and if they gave inaccurate information it would show that Rainbow charity is a bad company. If the skill is not used properly the clients and staff will be given inaccurate information about Rainbow charity and that won’t be good for business as they are giving false information about what the company is and what it really is.

                                              Cultural Differences

Cultural differences means being able to adjust to the different cultures with the clients so that you can communicate with the clients through their cultural language. Cultural differences will also improve the relationships with the staff as it will help them talk to clients or the staff that are from a different cultural background. As they will have to be careful of what words they use as they don’t want to offend people from a different cultural background. You would fix this by training the staff so they would understand some of the different cultures. Cultural differences will help with the clients as if there cultural means they have to wear certain clothes then Rainbow charity should understand. Also that Rainbow charity should be able to speak there language if they don’t speak any English. If the skill is used wrong it means that anyone that has a different culture won’t go to Rainbow charity as they aren’t prepared for anyone with a different cultural background.

Interpersonal Communication


Interpersonal communication is when people exchange information, feelings and meanings through verbal and non-verbal messages which is face to face communication. Interpersonal communication is used when two or more people are in a room communicating with each other using their posture, facial expression and there emotional state. Interpersonal communication is necessary as it is a way of communicating with other people when Rainbow charity is talking to clients as they will be talking to people who have a sight problem so they need to be good at explaining certain things. When the clients phone Rainbow charity the have to use the right tone of voice when they are talking to clients so that they understand what they are trying to explain. Also that they show they are listening to them by nodding every once in a while and smiling at them, letting them know that you understand.
Using interpersonal communication between staff will be good for Rainbow charity as the staff will be showing when giving a presentation as they are listening to the presentation by keeping eye contact whit the person giving it and nodding every once in a while to show that they understand.

Positive Language

Having a positive language is that you will always look at something like the glass is half full. Positive language means you always use the word yes when asked a question, nodding your head, leaning towards the speaker shows that you have taken interest in what they are talking about. Also having a smile on your face has a positive attitude. Positive language is necessary for Rainbow charity as they will need to show that they are happy to be there and if you where giving a presentation to the staff you what to see that they are taking interest in the way they look. This will help improve relations between staff as if you asked them to do a task it means that with their positive attitude they will say yes, also that when you are talking you will be able to see that they are interested in what you are saying by their facial expression. Positive language will help improve relations between clients as if you are asked questions you will be able to answer it with a yes and that you will have a smile on your face when you arrive and be happy to be there. If it is not used properly it means people might take it the wrong way like no one is ever that happy or that you say yes to everything because you have to not because you want to.

Active Engagement

Active engagement is showing a person that you are listening to them by nodding and your facial expression to what a person has said and are taking note about what they have said. The person could also end in a question so you have to be ready to answer if you where listening.  Active engagement is necessary for Rainbow charity as they will be talking/ listening to staff members and clients. They will need this as if they are giving a presentation to the members or clients they want to know that they are listening and paying attention to what they are saying. Active engagement will help improve communication between the staff as they will be showing that they are listening to each other by their facial expression or nodding their head to show that they are paying attention to what they have to say. It will be also improve the relationship with the clients as when they are trying to explain something to a member of staff that they are showing they are listening and understanding what they are trying to say instead of ignoring them and guessing what they are trying to say. If it is not used properly then you could be seen as not paying attention when people are talking and not interested in what they are trying to say.

Written Communication

 Written communication is different from the other types of communication. Written communication is based upon the structure of the message and being able to type of write the message. It also requires the person to have a good vocabulary and grammar of that language so that the words that have been written mean what is trying to be explained and makes sense. Also written communication doesn’t show you body language, emotion and tone of voice.

The different types of written communication that could be used in Rainbow charity are messages that are in emails to inform staff about any meetings, news letters to the public that shows when any events are taking place and taking notes in a meeting so that you know what is going to happen or any new rules.

It is necessary to communicate in writing as it will give people a longer time to process the information than being told if face to face. Also to prevent a misunderstanding as the letter will tell you the information and that you won’t get confused.

Written communication can be used in Rainbow Charity between volunteers and clients as the clients can write an email to a volunteer asking how they would do a certain task, also that a volunteer could leave a letter of instructions or information on new software they have or how to write an email.

Written communication can be used between staff as they can take notes while in a meeting and then share them with other members of staff who missed a point or was absent. Also they could email each other to find out information on helping with a client as if they don’t know how to do a certain task then they could ask another staff member.     

Note taking

Note taking is a skill that you use to summarise the main points to what some has said and selecting the main points. This can be done by taking into consideration what the person has said then put it into your own words to a make sense of it. Underlining main points in the work and refer to them later and taking not below or beside the points that you want to use. Note taking would be necessary in Rainbow charity as if the manager asked you to do a number of tasks you’re not going to remember each one in detail to you take note on what she asked you to do. If you were asked to order a number of things from the supplier you will have to take note on what the item is and the number of each product you want. If it is not used properly then you could miss important key points in a presentation or if the manager asked you to do something so you have to ensure that you take notes on all important information.  


Proofreading is a skill that you read over multiple times for errors before sending it to the recipient. This is why when writing a piece of work you use drafts and spell checker to make sure that it has no spelling mistakes and makes sense. As you are the one that wrote the piece of work it is hard to see your own error that is why it is good to get a fresh pair of eyes to look over the work as well. This skill is necessary as if you don’t proofread your work then there is a chance that the person receiving it may be confused as it doesn’t make any sense. Also that they might get the wrong meaning of the message as you have used the wrong word or have forgotten to add in a word. If proofreading is not used properly then the message that you are trying to say will be misinterpreted as it does not make any sense and that you might not get your point across.







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