Barriers to Communication

Barriers in General Communication-Problems with technology

There can be a number of reasons why some one doesn’t understand something one of them could be that they don’t understand how to use the technology. This could be that they are not familiar with this type of software or hardware and don’t know how to use it also that they might not have ever used a computer so they don’t know anything about them. There could be a problem with there audio/ visual equipment so the screen is to blurry for them to see or the colour is off, they can’t hear any sound from their speakers so they can’t hear anything. They might have viruses on the computer as they don’t have the right internet security and anti virus software to protect them. There could be firewall restrictions which don’t allow them to connect to the internet. Technology is used to communicate in so many different ways such as Skype which allows users to talk to other people over the internet, blogging which users can post their opinions, explaining how you can cook or fix some thing and instant messaging which is used on a number of social media sites like Facebook where you can chat to a group of people for free without having to leave the house to talk to them. The barriers here is that you need an internet connection to be able to access all this information which older people might not have so they don’t use a computer. To prevent communication not working you don’t use technical words that they wouldn’t know start off plain and simple.

Barriers in Interpersonal Communication-Background noise

When giving a presentation or talking to someone the worst thing is hearing other noises in the background that is distracting you and the people you are talking to. This means that when you are talking, nobody is really listening as they can only hear the noises around them. Background noises can range from noises outside like cars, animals and construction work in the building/outside of it. This means that the message you are trying to get across wont as people are too distracted by their surroundings, this also means that people don’t understand and will misinterpret the message you are trying to give them as they didn’t hear everything that you said and will fill in the gaps themselves. There could also be meetings going on within the workplace that requires lots of staff members so they will all be talking. When talking to people there mobile phones or anybody else’s phones could go off and it gets really distracting epically when someone is talking really loud on the phone. Also if people are talking or shouting really loud at other members of staff it can be really distracting as all you can hear is them talking and can’t concentrate to what you are trying to explain to someone. Background noises can also come from computer equipment and air conditioning systems within Rainbow Charity.


Barriers in Written Communication-Spelling and Grammar

If you are writing an email, letter or giving a presentation to clients you have to ensure the spelling and grammar is correct. If the spelling is wrong people won’t be able to make sense of what you are trying to tell them and having spelling mistakes looks unprofessional to the reader. If you have grammar mistakes the readers can misinterpret the messages as you have not used the correct word so the message to them is different to the message you have wrote. With grammar errors it can cause problems with the reader as they don’t understand the message and it doesn’t make any sense. These types of mistakes can affect your ability when communicating in writing with someone as the messages you are sending don’t make any sense to the reader and they will get confused. Also that if the person does not understand the message they will not take it in so they are getting information because you don’t look over what you wrote to see if makes sense. It will also make Rainbow Charity look like an unprofessional company as there members of staff don’t have good grammar and spelling.    

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