Learning Styles


Learning Styles
What does this mean
Common Phrase
Learning and Techniques
This mean you like to look at images, pictures, diagrams, colour and maps. Your sense of direction is well; you don’t need to think twice on what direction you choose to go on.
Drawing a diagram or map.
Getting a different look on things.
        I always remember a face.
         Using different colours, layout, and specific organization in your information.
Creating mind maps. Using colours and pictures instead of lumps of text. When not using the computer, always have at least four different coloured pens.
If you have a strong social style, you communicate well with people, both verbally and non-verbally. People listen to advice/opinions and often come to for advice. You understand people’s emotions and know how to make them feel better.
         Let's work together on this.
         We can work it out.
         Tell me what you are thinking.
         Help me understand this.
This means you try to work with others and working with people on the same level as you. Working with groups and noticing errors so you can avoid them later, can also help others.
If you are a physical learner it means you use your body and sense of touch to learn. You like working and getting your hands dirty.
         I have good feelings about this.
         My gut is telling me
         I follow your drift.
You like to feel the object so you know how it works. Using flashcards can help memorise information because you can touch and move them around.
This means you like to work with sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. You typically can sing and you notice the music playing in the background. You often find yourself humming or tapping a song or jingle.
         That sounds about right.
         That rings a bell.
         It's coming through loud and clear.
         Tune in to what I'm saying
         Clear as a bell.
That's music to my ears.
If you are an aural learner, you use sound, rhyme, and music to improve your learning. When listening to music you focus more and take in information easier.
The verbal style means you like both the written and spoken word. Using this style you find it easy to express yourself, both in writing and verbally. You love to read and write. You like tongue twisters.
   Tell me word for word
   Let's talk later.
   Let me spell it out for you.

   The word you're looking for

         If you are a verbal learner you prefer to use written and spoken communication. When you are speaking aloud you make your tone of voice different.
This means you are more private and work independently. Working by your self and solving your own issues.
         I'd like some time to think it over.
         This is what I think or feel about that.
         I'd like to get away from everyone for a while.
         I'll get back to you on that.
You prefer to learn alone and studying alone. You don’t like working in groups.
You like to have goals set, and what it would be like if you achieve your goal.
If you use the logical style. You can recognize patterns easily. You also see connections between meaningless content. This leads you to group information to help you learn or understand it.
         There's no pattern to this.
         Let's make a list.
         We can work it out.
You aim to understand the reasons behind your content and skills. Understanding more detail behind your information that helps you memorise and learn the material that you need to know.

Learning styles are the different ways of an individual means of gaining knowledge. This is an individual's unique approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.

I did an online test to find out my Learning Style this is the website I used below..



With my learning style being physical it means that I like to go get my hands dirty and work. I like to get hands on with my projects. I prefer to be doing things rather than sitting in the house do nothing. I like to observe an object so I know what it is then go get a feel of it so I know how it will work. Knowing that my learning style is physical I know that this will help me through my personal development as I will give 100% at everything I do to get the best possible outcome.


This means I like to communicate with other social groups. I like giving people advice and my opinions on what the problem is. Seeing that my learning style is also social this will help me with my assignments if I have to do group work or a presentation. With this I know how to make people feel better if there in a bad mood. I also understand how people are feeling about certain things how to relate to them. This will help me through my personal development as I will work out problems with other people and be able to communicate with people I have only met.


With visual this means I like to look at different images and diagrams to get information from them. This means I don’t need to think twice about what direction I want to go I automatically know. I rarely ever get lost know where to go by look at certain buildings or images. I will always remember a face if I seen someone before then see them again I will remember their face. I like using different colours to sort out what information is important and what information I need. This will help me through my personal development as I can explain my information through images and charts, so instead of having a thousand words have the image speak the thousand words.




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