Evaluating my Presentation


In this document I will be evaluating the PowerPoint that I have done. This will include what information is in the PowerPoint, how the presentation was given and how I could improve it. I will also be talking about how well I worked with the other person in my group. I also used interpersonal skills and written communication skills these include active engagement, positive language, body language then structure, grammar and spelling and proofreading.
Written communication was essential for each slide as it has an impact to the layout of the presentation and that there is no spelling or grammar mistakes.  This was also good as the key points were highlighted in the presentation.

Presentation skills

The presentation that I have completed in my group I think it had all the information that the assignment criteria had asked for. All the information that was meant to be included was included it also had appropriate pictures included which didn’t take away from the information on the slide. All the information that was included in the slide was to give information about web based communication channels which it did as it included how to use it, what you would need to use it and why you would use a blog etc. Within the PowerPoint it included examples of most of the topics we had talked about and showed them to the audience. The presentation also had two videos one for Podcasts and the other for Vlogs.
I think that the presentation was well laid out as only the main points were on the slide and all the other information on slide notes. The structure of the PowerPoint was having the main points first then some images if that topic and a link in if required.  The spelling and grammar in the presentation was good throughout it there were only some words that weren’t recognised by the spell check. I also proofread all my work so that there were no spelling mistakes on the PowerPoint and that it made sense. On some of the slides that the other person in the group did the information is all on one slide with no slide notes. The images that where used were appropriate for the type of information as they were to do with the information that is on the slides, the images are a good size as they don’t take up to much space and there is enough information on each of the slides.    
I think the tone of voice that I used was consistent throughout the presentation apart from the start as I was nervous. I kept good eye contact with everyone in the audience. I think that my voice was projected well as there were people at the back of the class. I knew I had to speak louder but still be clear as possible and that they looked like they were able to hear me. I think my body language was okay I stood at the front of the class with my slide notes and didn’t move much. My own body language at the start was a bit fidgety but then I got less nervous, when I was talking I was facing the audience so that it showed that I had an interest in the presentation. The audience’s body language was okay at some points they were interested and then they looked bored.   When giving the presentation I didn’t use any hand gestures. When I was giving the presentation I was standings as it showed the audience that I wanted to give the presentation and also made it easier for the audience to hear me.
I think that I could have improved my presentation by going over it a couple times so that I didn’t get messed up on some lines and that I was less nervous about giving the presentation.  Also that I could have had more information on some of the slides with also more slide notes.
I didn’t use any types of questions apart from the end when I asked did you have any questions. I didn’t use any questions as the presentation that I was doing didn’t need to have any questions as it was just telling the audience information about each topic.
If I was to redo my presentation I wouldn’t change many things about it only have less slide notes for each section and have more images included.

Teamwork Skills

I think that the other member of my group and I did work well as when we were giving the presentation we were able to follow on from each other and knew which slide each of us were on. We both did equal amounts of work as he gathered all the information that he needed for his three slides and I gathered all the information for my three slides.

In conclusion I think that the presentation that I gave with my partner was good as it had all the information that assignment criteria asked for. The presentation wasn’t too long so it didn’t have the audience bored. This also helped me with my confidence in giving presentations in front of a number of people. It was also a good experience in helping me work within a team and that the work was equally shared between us and that we were able to work well together.  

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